Wednesday, December 06, 2006

REVIEW OF "Of Such Is The Kingdom: A Novel of Biblical Times"
Review by Viviane Crystal of

Beneath every human beings virtues and foibles, a singular hunger lies waiting for a revelation which will create a powerful direction that supercedes all other human goals. James M. Becher takes the reader back to the lifetime of Jesus Christ, into the homes, conversations, and deeds of ordinary and extraordinary individuals who were so deeply affected by the birth of this man.

Meet Manaheem, Herod's foster brother, who on one hand attempts to influence history by helping his brother to unseat Pontius Pilate, the Roman Procurator, and on the other hand who knows there is something more to life than the grasping machinations he plans and which his brother carries out.

Observe Pilate, the ruler who holds a most undesirable position of authority in a world so unlike the Rome he loves and whose spiritual wife attempts to influence her husband from committing acts sure to doom his political career and damn his all too human soul.

Watch Timotheus, a beggar, who is deeply affected by Jesus' appearances but whose openness is constantly redirected by his companion, Lucas's, desire for more money.

Finally, meet Barabbas, a simple blacksmith who is engaged to carry out a coup against Pilate and who turns to robbery after the political plot fails. On the one hand he is portrayed as any ordinary crook but on the other hand has the same innate needs that will promise less futile struggling and more peacefulness and security. The man whose death sentence replaces that of Barabbas continues to haunt him so much that he follows the condemned prisoner's path and demise to its very last moment.

Earthly plots fail and the horrendous dying process Jesus experiences, accompanied by a desperate plea to God, compassionate words, and a moving surrender to his mission, affects everyone involved in this momentous event.

Read this book to discover the fictional yet all too probable, and powerful, effect of one man sent to speak to the heart of every human being within this novel and those who read it.

Very nicely written, J. M. Becher!
NOTE: This novel has just been re-published by the original publisher in 2 new volumes, (1)a newly REVISED AND EXPANDED 2-PART 2nd edition, called, "Of Such Is The Kingdom, Parts I&II, A Novel of the Christ and the Early Church, available HERE , and (2), the sequel, "Of Such Is The Kingdom, Part III, Power and Persecution, A Novel of the Early Church and the Roman Empire," available HERE. ("Part III," deals with early church and the reaction of the rulers to this new sect called Christians.)
NOTE: TO SEE WHY YOU SHOULD ESPECIALLY GIVE the 2-Part volume of MY BIBLICAL NOVEL THIS CHRISTMAS, GO HERE. OR, get it from AMAZON HERE. You can still get the complete 3 part version from Amazon (while they last) HERE: Of Such Is the Kingdom : A Novel of Biblical Times
You can also GET THE 2nd EDITION E-VERSIONS FULLY COMPATIBLE WITH YOUR E-READING DEVICE OR FOR ONLINE READING from THE COMPLETE 3 PART VERSION IS HERE, with links at the bottom of the page to the other versions (click on the book cover). You can READ THE FIRST 27% FOR FREE before deciding to buy it. And get 25% off a future purchase (for a gift) when you purchased my self-help book "Principles of the Kingdom," for only $2.99
(FOR KINDLE, click the AMAZON link above.) OR subscribe to LISTEN FREE of charge to episodes of the first edition (un-expanded PARTS I & II ONLY) HERE (FOR MORE ON WHY MY NOVELS ARE UNIUQE, CLICK HERE)

Monday, December 04, 2006


IMPOSSIBLE JOURNEY is the most uniqe novel of all sci-fi novels (science fiction novels) ever! It's truey a sci-fi (specifically time-travel) novel with a purpose!!
What do these historical eras have in common: 1)the california gold rush, 2)early colonial America, 3)the renaissance, 4)the reformation, 5)the time of Camelot and 6)the Roman era? They all contain valuable lessons which point to ultimate truth.
What do a group of future scientists from all over the world have in common? A desire for truth, hope for a bright future and a belief in a Divine being of some sort.
Put all the above elements together and you have an explosive formula for a great sci-fi novel, a fantasy adventure novel which could also be of interest to fans of historical fiction and Christian fiction as well as those of science fiction.
In the future, when time-travel is theoretically proven an universally accepted, a group of scientists of all faiths decide to try to time-travel back to the Garden of Eden in order to prevent the fall of man and thus put an end to all sin, sickness and disease. They manage to gain the backing for the project from a wealthy financier. The trouble is, they can only go back 200 years, more or less, at a time and will have to make repairs to the time cylinder at every stop. Thus, they visit the historical california gold rush and then early Colonial America. Then, they are pulled forward unexpectedly to a future time of trouble, where robots serve, and forced to fight in a senseless war. They manage to break free and take off only to discover they have a stow away. But the stow away has a device which will help them to go further back with each leap. Thus, they then time-travel to the Renaissance and meet the historical figure, Leonardo Da Vincie, But, by mistake they take off without the stow away and his device. Then, they are pulled forward again, but only to the time of the Reformation, where they meet Martin Luther and have an argument over faith. Then, with the help of a new fuel formula, using alcohol, they manage to arrive at Camelot and finally, Ancient Jerusalem, where they at last realize the real answer: the true end & goal of their mission.

REVIEW BY Tami Brady
Rating: 7/10
Impossible Journey is reminiscent of The Time Machine by H. G. Wells with a unique ...twist. In the year 2025, a team of researchers (representing various cultures and religious beliefs) create a time machine. The aim of this mission is to go back in time to the Garden of Eden to warn Adam and Eve not to be tempted by the serpent. The team hypothesizes that if this event can be altered, then sickness, death, and war will disappear not only from the modern world but also throughout human history. Thus, the face of humankind would forever change with this one act.
The journey contains a number of twists, turns, and unique challenges as the team members are chaotically thrown into various significant events in human history. During this journey, the team meets various famous personages such as Martin Luther, King Arthur, and Jesus. Through a series of coincidences, the team also gets a peak into a bleak future awaiting the team if they fail in their mission....
NOTE: This novel is NOW BACK IN PRINT with the original publisher and can be PURCHASED DIRECTLY from them HERE for softcover and HERE for Hardcover.
It is also available as an e-book on Smashwords, so you can get A 2nd edition VERSION FULLY COMPATIBLE WITH YOUR E-READING DEVICE or for online reading from SMASHWORDS HERE and you can READ THE FIRST 20% FOR FREE before deciding to buy at SMASHWORDS
FOR KINDLE OR to get a print copy FROM AMAZON, click HERE: Impossible Journey: A Tale of Times and Truth
Hyper Smash